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Am I missing something? This was ruled an incomplete pass, once Brady hit the ground and the ball went loose.

This was ruled a fumble. With no booth review! Maybe it ultimately would have come to light that indeed, the ruling on field stands. But they devoted a good 10 minutes to the INT returned for a TD. And this, the NFL Championship game-ending play, was called fumble without batting an eye? Honestly, I still don't see how Brady is considered to be throwing, but Warner isn't. 

It's too bad the game was called the way it was. The Cards got nothing except for about 98 miles worth of penalties. 

And the Steelers? Carte blanche to go to town.. Even if we assume Warner did indeed fumble, there was an unquestionably blown call before that even happened, which would have given Arizona at least 15 yards up on the field. Considering they were around Pitt's 45-yd line when the game ended, this could have proven to be indeliably consequential. They get the 15-yards, they're around the 30 at least, much closer to field goal position and a position to put the game into OT. But no. Despite the very clear guidelines on page 86 of the rulebook (Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1f), punishable by "loss of 15 yards from succeeding spot or whatever spot the Referee, after consulting with the crew, deems equitable," this foul went unnoted:

I don't think most people cared too much about this game, 
so they're lucky they even kept it remotely interested in it. 
The true testament to the enthusiasm the game engendered was
noticeable in the last quarter, when the bar became a symphonic, 
staggered outbursts of UGH! NO! YES! Stop scoring! 1 more safety 
and 2 field goals, please! Noo, I have 6 and 9! Go into OT! etc etc. 
The man who invented Super Bowl box pools thus rests soundly 
in his grave.

And hey, at least the Cards covered.


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