I love weekend day games.
I love lying on the couch with Mo and putting the blinds up and I even love the glare on my unbelievably old tube tv.
I especially love it when it ends in a W.
Andy Pettitte, once again, was on like Donkey Kong. The thing I've been noticing about his pitching is not only that it's so effective in manufacturing outs, but each of his starts have demonstrated this dialed-in, zone-like mentality. His pitches are well-placed, intelligent, and just grazing the corners. He's not CC-dominant. He doesn't have a lethal change-up or blistering fastball. But his arsenal is just as dangerous, because you don't expect it to be so stifling.
And lately, it has been exactly that.
8 innings, 8Ks, 0 BB, 1 run. Just outstanding, really.
Pineiro, not so much. 11 hits, and only 2 Ks. He's got Wang syndrome, maybe. The plights of a sinkerballer.
See, what I think happened is this: Yanks are historically blindsided by sinkerballers. And the Angels historically tee off on pitchers like Pettitte. So I think Charlie Wonsowicz put in some overtime hours with the video scouting. Because it was like Pettitte knew EXACTLY where to throw to every. single. hitter.
And it was like the Yanks (and their 14 hits) knew exactly where the balls were coming.
It's like Napoleon said, "You gotta change your tactics every 10 years if you wanna be successful." The Yanks could either let the Halos run all over them (literally) or they could pull a Benjamin Martin in "The Patriot" and leverage the RedCoats' confiscated diary.
Cano did some cute things for my fantasy teams today: 4 for 5, with 3 runs and a ribbie.
Swisher, Gardner, and Jeter all had pretty f'n awesome days, too:
Swish: 2 for 4, 2 ribbies
GGBG: 3 for 5, 2 runs, SB
Jeter: 2 for 5, ribbie
Even when they have their bizarro world team in, they pull it off. (Ramiro Pena was at 3rd, with A-Rod DHing.)
Nick Johnson got the day off. ("Day off??" my sister is incredulous. "From what?? Standing? Is that a joke?")
Hideki is 2 hits away from 1000. Good for him.
Tex brought in the 1st ribbie of the game. I hope this awkward, staggered return to productive hitting soon melds into actual power. I really need him acting like himself for fantasy purposes. But based on what the rest of the Yank squad is doing, they're ok with his somewhat mediocre output, since they got the rest of world bashing the ball over the place.
Smart playing against a smart team. An amazing way to spend a Saturday afternoon. If you took away the whole Fox announcers element of it. I swear to God, one of the best, most spot-on Family Guy clips EVER is the one done on McCarver, and this is near exactly what I'm subjected to every single time YES throws me to the wolves:
Tomorrow they close out the series with Javy. I realllly hope he pulls out a W. It'd be pretty sweet if he could shut everyone up and also give the Yanks the latest series win.
I BELIEVE IN YOU, JAVY! Get a good night's sleep.
What did you think of Giants draft...I think they take too many "projects" < more quotes, sorry...They needed a ILB, I don't think they got it.