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I just received a heartbreaking email from an employee of the Yankees' Trenton Thunder boys regarding a case of domestic violence that left his sister-in-law killed at the hands of her husband.

The man who emailed me is now currently raising his nephew, and is throwing himself into one of the worthiest causes I can think of, which is the raising money for shelters for abused women. ( )

The Domestic Violence Project is sponsoring an auction of a number of Yankee memorabilia items. 100% of the proceeds will go towards shelters. (Here is the link for the auction.)

Any of these would make amazing Christmas gifts, and you'd be helping the millions of women around the country who suffer the kind of horrible fates that his man's sister-in-law did. On a personal note, there are few things in the world that disgust me more than a man hitting a woman. I send out my deepest condolences to our fellow Yankee fan, and hope that you will support his cause.


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